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FITEI 2019

Cia. Hiato

National premiere
FITEI – Festival Internacional de Teatro de Expressão Ibérica 2019





The living experience of narratives that are peripheral to the “Odyssey” both challenges the fiction/reality and public/private dichotomies, and blurs the actor/spectator polarity. Based on the well-known story of a man who left his home and his heart to fight, ending up wandering for years while attempting to return home, Cia. Hiato invites the audience to take the place of the missing protagonist, Odysseus, and to sail through different islands. The seven actors unwind memories, doubts and dreams based on the characters and narratives from the Greek epic poem: Telemachus departure, Calypso’s rejection, Circe’s body, Athena’s strategic violence, Hestia’s fire and Penelope’s longing. A journey that is simultaneously intimate and magnificent; the ridicule of our everyday life meets the mythical strength of the stories they’re still trying to explain to us. Because once all is said and done one can be equally ordinary and mythical.

The very name the group chose, Hiato [gap], gives us a clue as to their artistic choices, and explains the ongoing research on new playwriting and scenic forms that question the “gap”, the ways in which reality is perceived, the gaps between experience and the language of perspectives that form its conscience, in other words, coming up with a unique and coherent “self”. The group’s performances arise from rather personal questioning: “How great is the distance between what I say and what you understand/want to understand from what I said? How large is the existing gap between my experience and language? To what extent am I able to express my experience?”. Companhia Hiato believes that turning these questions into a creative process is a way of sharing those uncertainties, more than answering them.

© Matheus José Maria

Info sobre horário e bilhetes




RivoliStage Grand Auditorium


Aditional info

  • 10.00€ • >12  

Author's bio text

Ficha Técnica

  • Created by Cia. HiatoInspired by Homer’s “Odyssey”
    Director Leonardo Moreira
    Writers Aline Filócomo, Aura Cunha, Fernanda Stefanski, Leonardo Moreira, Luciana Paes, Maria Amélia Farah, Paula Picarelli and Thiago Amaral
    Cast Aline Filócomo, Aura Cunha, Fernanda Stefanski, Luciana Paes, Maria Amélia Farah, Paula Picarelli and Thiago Amaral
    Assistants directors and co-directors Aura Cunha and Luciana Paes
    Dramaturgy Mariana Delfini
    Lighting and set design Marisa Bentivegna
    Audio-visual director and graphic art Laerte Késsimos
    Soundtrack Miguel Caldas
    Costumes Chris Aizner
    Prop (Argus), video operator and stage assistant Cezar Renzi
    Voiceover (Penelope – Greek) Angeliki Papoulia
    Voiceover (Odysseus – Spanish) Sebastian de la Cuesta
    Press office Pombo Correio
    Photographs Elina Giounanli and Ligia Jardim
    Video recording Ricardo Sêco
    Production director Aura Cunha
    Executive producer Yumi Ogino
    International promotion Judith Martin and Marie Tommasini
    Co-produced by Sesc São Paulo; Onassis Cultural Centre –Athens/Greece; Mousonturm – Frankfurt/Germany; Grand Theatre – Groningen/The Netherlands; ProAC – São Paulo State Government; Fomento ao Teatro – São Paulo Municipal Council
    Concept Cia. Hiato and Elephante Produções Artísticas
    Approximate length 4h30  

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